Printed Polo Shirts

Printed Polo Shirts

Premium Polo Shirts with your logo. HelloPrint Connect makes Personalised Polo Printing easy for a professional look.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the delivery times related to polos?

The delivery times are dependent on the quantity of the order. In the funnel you can choose your preferred turnaround time however, this does not refer to delivery, just the time in which it takes to make the product.

What are the differences between the printing methods for customised polos?

For printed polos, we offer DTG printing (direct to garment), screen print, and embroidery. DTG is best for smaller quantities and offers more colours.

What are the differences between the polo brands that are available online?

The difference between the brands we offer is not so big in terms of printing, but they each have different qualities that make them stand out. Sol's polos are known for their premium quality and affordable pricing, whereas Clique polos are also of great quality while being super long-lasting. Tricorp polos are the most well-known for their low-cost and durability. However, all the printing methods we offer for each brand are the same.

What are the sizes custom polo shirts available in?

Our personalised polo shirts can be purchased in different sizes. The range of sizes can vary per brand. You can always check the availability of polo sizes during order configuration process.

Where can I add my logo, brand name or message to the polo shirt?

We offer multiple options for the customisation of your printed polo shirts. You can add your logo or any other image to the left upper corner of the shirt, or choose to place it right in the chest area of the product. You can also decide to add your logo or message both to the front and back part of polo shirts. Nevertheless, for some polos only several of the above options are available. You can always check the options for logo positioning during order configuration process.